ASIRI, being the first of its kind, is an online cultural art magazine that exhumes the historical culture, legendary facts, myths and also the exceptional way of life of the great Nigerian people. For anyone who truly desires to acquire enormous knowledge on the customs and traditions of the tribes in Nigeria, we present a detailed outline as well as graphic illustrations that make the reviews suitable for both young individuals and adults. Thus, it is safe to say that Asiri enables us to discover our cultural identities as well as answer our various questions regarding specific cultural issues of utmost importance.
Coincidentally, the word or expression ASIRI means the same thing – ‘secret’ – in the three major tribes in Nigeria (Yoruba, Hausa and Ibo). Beyond ASIRI being an online magazine that highlights the historical culture, way of life and myths of the Nigerian people, it also re-enacts our rich history and values by the use of different works of art. It brings back the old tales, values and cultural benefits that are essential for inspiring subsequent generations.
ASIRI is produced in four different media packages – online magazine, exhibitions, museum and documentary – the purpose being to educate, enlighten and re-introduce the people to their own cultural heritage.
Educating, informing and bridging the gap between the past and the present, armed with a dedicated team of heavy researchers, creative illustrators and good writers we plan to preserve, keep relevant and promote the Nigeria and Africa’s cultural heritage and values.
Do you have any story, information on Nigeria cultural heritage,history,arts and craft you will like to share with the world. Send a mail to us at
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