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Biyi Bandele: So Shocking, So Unexpected

From his humble yet colourful beginnings in Kafanchan, Southern Kaduna to his journey of creative restlessness that would later earn him his international recognition in storytelling, Biyi Bandele, the iconic playwright, novelist, screenwriter and movie director has inadvertently left the world with the burden of…

Interviews, Updates

Iké Udé: “So clothing is not just a fashion, it’s a cultural epidermis. Our clothing is our cultural epidermis”

In an exclusive Interview, Iké Udé Nigerian-American Photographer, Performance Artist and Author sit down with ASIRI Magazine during his visit to Lagos. The visit anchored around the “24 Hours of the Smithsonian in Lagos” Historical visit by The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art. Ike talks about his work, legacy, and the…

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