Freedom Park Lagos is one of Nigeria’s creative and cultural hub.Located on Broad street Lagos. A former colonial prison now turned into a hub for intellectuals and creative people is now growing from strength to strength to become an international cultural and creative hub. This is a special tribute to Freedom Park Lagos.
Enjoy it.
You will love to be an inmate,
Mating with nature,
With gory details made glorious.
You will love to hear history,
Seeing gallows turns theatre,
Bathroom turned fountains,
Lived by Independence strugglers.
You will love to see transformation,
Admin office turned gallery,
Pergola Prison cells turned Wi-fi hotspot,
Kitchen turned food court.

You will imagine how deadly it was,
With high thick fence that cannot be crushed,
In the heart of town,
For those who scorn her Majesty.
You will love to be a free inmate,
Rushing in to free arts of all sorts,
Colonially oppressed, democratically free
Piece by Olutayo IRAN-TIOLA
Art Design by ASIRI
This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………. God bless your source of inspiration.