The Musical Society of Nigeria recently launched a new concert series conceived and directed by the artistic director of MUSON, Tunde Jegede. This was announced yesterday at a press conference organized by the organization.

These concerts will run through the first half of the year with the sole objectives to showcase the multitude of talents available at the MUSON choir under the auspices of Sir Emeka Nwokedi, present classical music with an access point to the society and act as a meeting point between Africa music world and the western music world.

It promises to be months of entertaining and rich music for all music lovers out there. The four concert series which is scheduled to begin on Sunday, 22nd of February 2015 will feature a fusion of jazz music and spoken word poetry. It was conceived with the purpose of pulling the acoustic culture which is already in existence in the world of classical music.

The next concert which is scheduled to hold on Sunday, 29th of March 2015 is a rendition of African Messiah, a contemporary opera written and directed by Tunde Jegede. The African messiah was written to act as a meeting point between the African classical music and the western classical music.

Sunday, the 19th of April will feature many famous operas being put in different storyline. The final concert to be held on Sunday, the 14th of June is a musical theatre which will tell the story of a classical African musician; Joseph Antonio Emidy of the 19th century.

See Pictures from the Press Conference Below:


Artistic director of MUSON, Tunde Jegede.
Artistic director of MUSON, Tunde Jegede.






