An Evening With Toni Kan and Victor Ehikhamenor. Rele Gallery welcomes you with it’s amazing ambiance. From arrival, the beauty of the building holds you captive, makes you wonder what greatness it holds.On getting inside, the wonderful works of art, grabs your attention, and you are left to ponder on the beautiful things, our hands can create.
The evening begins with a welcome and introduction, held on the ground floor of the art gallery, the hall gets filled up quickly. Anchored by Ms Wana, the readings begin, with Victor reading first, an excerpt from his book, Excuse Me and afterwards, Toni Kan reads from his book, Nights of the Creaking Bed. After the first round of readings, the floor is given to the audience, for questions, inputs and comments. The first person who asks a question is kindly rewarded with a book from Victor. Following are two more rounds of readings, in which Victor and Toni read some more excerpts, engaging the crowd with their stories, the air filled with occasional laughter and comments here and there.
The crowd also engages the authors in conversations, centered around the life of a writer, the perks of social media, preserving language, promoting and preserving literature. These conversations are very intellectual, leaving the crowd with something to think about. As promised, there were gifts given to the first five people to arrive, as well as a piece of art work given to a guest who answered Victor’s question.
The evening ends, with many thanks to all who attended and the guests are left to socialize, take pictures, get their books signed and view the art.
See Pictures from the Event Below